Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Sri Lanka Explosions

At 8:45am on Easter Sunday Sri Lanka was set with a series of explosions that killed more than 300 people and at top-end hotels. It is the most violence the country has seen since the end of the civil war decades ago. Most of the victims of the attack are said to be Sri Lankan's but at the least 31 are foreigners.          But the real question was who was behind the bombing?
On Monday the day after they were to believe it was a little known group called National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ) were to blame, the officials were still investigating whether it had international help. 

Image result for sri lanka bombing easter sunday


  1. Ki-ora Ruby! My name is Hana from Rimu in Yaldhurst Model School. Wow! that looks like some damage! I hope they find out if the National thowheed Jamath was behind the whole thing or not! I love the pictures you put on there! how far was it away from your school? What date did it happen? Great blog post!

    Kind regards, Hana :D

  2. Hi Ruby,
    Remember me from ealier? In my blog? Anyway, I like how informative your writing is. It pretty much sums up the whole thing. The photos of the explosion doesn't look so well. Also 300 PEOPLE?! That's a lot of lives lost.

    Next time, I would like you to add the links below for people like me who wants to know more about the incident. Did you just find this on the internet or were you somehow part of it, like a family member got injured?
    By Mika :D


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