The Best thing about 2018 was Camp in Mistletoe Bay. We were active everyday doing fun activities and the scenery was beautiful. I really enjoyed the Marlborough Activity group that came and let us do Paddle Boarding, Archery , Orienteering and Building rafts. We had really good meals thanks to the Teachers and Parent help.
Something I am proud of that I have done in 2018...
That I went to the U13 basketball Trials when I thought that I wouldn't make it in and I got in and I was one of the best players with lots of shots going in (Two 3 pointers) and getting 104 steals. (30 more steals then everyone else) I also had a lot of fun attending the tournaments and making new friends from around the South Island. Next year since I am only 11 I have been asked to trial for U13s and U15s.
My Goals for 2019 ..
My Goal is that I am going to work harder on my Maths and try to move two stanines up. And I am also going to keep reading during the holidays so I don't drop my Stanine and I improve.
Welcome to my blog. I'm a Year 7 student at Grey Main School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Friday, 14 December 2018
Looking back at 2018
Friday, 21 September 2018
PrEP 2018
This Year for PrEP I am not in a crafting business i am in the Warehouse where they deliver your orders to your class so you can start creating. We also inform the Bank with the costs and we go to town and shop for things like ... Plastic cups , Pom Poms , Glitter, Googly Eyes and more. We have already had Mini Market and for some groups it was a success because he product were so different and cool for example Tie Dye socks and Wood Art. I hope The Big market is as cool as the Mini Market.
Friday, 7 September 2018
10 Blog Comments Digital Badge
Over the past term I have made at least 10 quality comments on other people's blogs. Here is my digital badge recognising this!
ASB Netball Digital Badge
This term I have represented Grey Main in the ASB Netball Challenge. We won the Greymouth competition and on Monday we are off to play in Westport. This is my digital badge.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Writing Challenges
This week we have started a new activity called Miss H's Writing challenges every day we have a new challenge to complete using different words and grammar. This week we have done 2 activities. The first one includes 'a' or 'an' , there are 6 sentences with gaps and we have to fill in the gaps with 'a' or 'an'. The Second Activity Contractions and completing them. 

Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Boy in The Striped Pyjamas
Today I read Chapter 12 & 13 of our novel and we learnt Shmuel's background story and how Pavel was growing weaker. Here are my two Chapter questions.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Numeracy Week 5
This week for Numeracy I went to my first math group, we learnt about Integers and positive and negatives. Mrs England also taught us a song that helps us remember the lesson Click here is you want to listen to it. With the Positives and Negatives we learnt the different ways they go, for example Negative's go left Positive's go Right. Also for our Math's buddy we have been set 27 new tasks to complete.

Thursday, 16 August 2018
Basketball Digital Badge
This basketball season I represented Grey Main in the Yr 7/8 Competition. I have earnt my basketball digital badge made by Ruby B.
Monday, 13 August 2018
Diary Entry
For literacy today with our Boy in The striped Pyjamas topic, we had to write a diary entry from Bruno's point of view. I decided to make mine look like an old diary entry.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Facebook Profile
In our class we have been making fake Facebook profiles. We had to choose someone from our novel (The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas) and make their Facebook profile. I choose Gretel ,Bruno's Annoying older sister who is obsessed with dolls and Lieutenant Kotler. I found it really challenging because of all the links and detail we had to use in it. Here is mine.
Boy in The Striped Pyjamas,
Facebook page,
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Boy in The Striped Pyjamas Chapter 7
Here are our Chapter 7 Questions from our Novel. We have met 1 new character Pavel.

Answer the following questions:
- Describe the one person Bruno knew to be mad.
Herr Roller because he has fights with his shadow that is reflected on the wall and he invites cats for lunch. Because he went to WW1 and survived but with a brain damage.
- What does Bruno do to entertain himself?
He Makes a swing with a rope and tyre
- What is Bruno’s opinion of Lieutenant Kotler?
That when you go near him everything gets cold and you need a jumper on.
- How does Gretel act around Lieutenant Kotler?
Flirty and addicted she also gets really mad and angry at Bruno when he disturbs their conversation.
- How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Bruno?
Like he is a little 5 year old just starting school.
- How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Pavel?
Like he is a piece of dirt he stood on.
- How does Bruno feel when Lieutenant Kotler treats Pavel like this?
He feels cold, sad and embarrassed because he is a part of this
- How does Bruno injure himself?
Went to high on the swing he made with the tyre and rope and fell of and got a gash out of his skin.
- Describe Bruno’s injury.
A medium sized gash with blood and a bit of dirt that needs to be cleaned before it gets infected
- Who looks after him and what do they do?
Pavel looks after him and dabs a cold but not to cold cloth on him for pressure and uses a green liquid that stings but stops the bleeding so he won’t bleed to death.
- What do we learn about Pavel’s past?
That Pavel was a doctor in training he was a very good doctor but then the Nazis came and took him to the concentration camp he is lucky he didn’t get killed and got given a job as a vegetable peeler.
- Why does Pavel’s behaviour change when Bruno’s mother arrives?
Because he is frightened of her because she has the power to get soldiers to kill him.
- How does she treat Pavel?
Not with full respect but still treats him alright because he did help bruno.
- Why won’t she tell Bruno’s father what happened?
Because Bruno’s father will kill him because he doesn’t want a Jewish person to touch his son.
- Does Bruno understand the situation here at Out-With? Explain.
No he doesn’t he thinks they just moved for a while for father job.
Look up the following words in the dictionary, write their definitions and explain what they mean: inequality, racism, prejudice.
Inequality: Different by size , money , race , gender.
Racism: Discrimination pointed at someone from a different race.
Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Boy in The Striped Pyjamas Chapter 3
Today we read the 3rd chapter of the Boy in The Striped Pyjamas we were given Chapter 3 questions and a Crossword and Word search here are mine.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Self Respect
This week for Whanau time we were talking about Self Respect and what it looks like so our teacher asked us to make a presentation on Self Respect we had to make it nice and colorful here is mine.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas
WALT: We have been Reading about The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas for this the class has been split into 2 groups German and Jewish if you are German you wear a German flag and you get to have Music , free time in the afternoons, sitting on chairs and getting to boss the Jewish around. If you are a Jewish (which i am) you wear a Star of David and you have to sit on the floor ,pack up every afternoon can only play on the courts , have to do your work in books or ask permission for chrome books and Have to ask permission for sporting events. This is for us to know how the Jewish felt. We have been doing activities for each chapter here are mine.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Kids Lit Digital Badge
Friday, 22 June 2018
Kapa Haka Digital Badge
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Today Kaine came in to class with beeswax to show and tell us some cool information we didn't know about beeswax and also showing us how to melt process into wax and then into food wraps. Here is some information we got told.
First of all It is Beeswax not honey so don’t eat it. The honey comb has little hexagons filled with honey which the beeswax covers like a plastic lid, and you scrape it off when the wax melts. You use a special cloth (Cheese Cloth) that you use to wipe the honey of the hexagons which let the honey go through and keeps the wax in the cloth. The process is way harder then wax. When wax melts it goes like a candle when it melts. Here is some instructions of turning process into wax ,you boil water in a pan and then put a bowl on top (which is double boiling) and when it starts to boil you place the process in and it will melt and turn into wax which is a lighter shade of yellow. Worker bees actually vomit into each hexagon for the plastic lid over the honey because they eat the nectar then vomit it up and keep doing it till every hexagon is filled (so were actually eating vomit which tastes very good). If you want a beehive you have to get the council to say that it is okay and if you want to sell it you need to have a health inspector. Also fun fact buying a beehive is probably cheaper than buying Manuka Honey.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Maths Workbook
Numeracy: This week for our Work Book we are still doing Short division with remainders we have been practicing Short division on Maths Buddy for our set tasks. We were given a few questions to answer on a slide here is mine
Monday, 14 May 2018
Week 2 Work Book Numeracy
Work book: This Week for Numeracy we are doing our Work book for my group we are working on short division we had been set questions and we had to answer them. The Questions had remainders in them that we also had to work out how many remainders there are.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Descriptive Writing
This week and Last week for writing we haven been describing an image and then writing about it we had to use descriptive and words and adjectives and similes. We also were using words to start of our sentences like I can See, I feel , I taste , I smell and Hear. Here is my finished writing and the image we were describing.
Descriptive Writing
I feel like I am stuck in an image and I am the only thing moving. The trees are still and there is no wind or breeze flowing through the air and the ray of the sun is stuck on one piece of grass melting the frost slowly and strongly. I see the sun peeking through the small gaps in the trees melting the ice and burning my eyes with its bright shiny heat. I smell dead soggy Winter leaves that had just fallen off the trees in autumn on the ground getting sizzled by the sun. I Taste the cold frost on one side of my mouth and the heat on the other side mixing together and then I swallow it , It wipes the goosebumps off me. I hear the sound of the frost crunching under my shoe making the sound like if you step on a cracker.
Just another beautiful sunrise to start the day.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Numeracy Workbook
Workbook: This week my group had to complete a work book around algebra for I thought it was not challenging enough and I got it finished quickly.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Kensukes Kingdom Missing Person Poster
Kensukes Kingdom: For our novel study we had to make a poster for a missing person (Michael) and make it realistic enough that it would look like a missing poster you would see. Here is Mine
Monday, 12 February 2018
Kensukes Kingdom Chapter One Questions
Kensuke's Kingdom: For Reading our whole class has been reading the first chapter of Kensuke's Kingdom we had to Answer questions on the first chapter like What is the Atmosphere like in the House? Here is mine
Kensuke's Kingdom,
Friday, 9 February 2018
Acrostic Poems
The 9th of February 2018

WALT: Write an Acrostic poem
Acrostic poem: This week for Writing we have been focusing on writing an Acrostic poem. We each had to write 3 and it had to be something about us. I did it on the 3 sports I do Swimming, Tennis and Netball.
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