Welcome to my blog. I'm a Year 7 student at Grey Main School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Today Kaine came in to class with beeswax to show and tell us some cool information we didn't know about beeswax and also showing us how to melt process into wax and then into food wraps. Here is some information we got told.
First of all It is Beeswax not honey so don’t eat it. The honey comb has little hexagons filled with honey which the beeswax covers like a plastic lid, and you scrape it off when the wax melts. You use a special cloth (Cheese Cloth) that you use to wipe the honey of the hexagons which let the honey go through and keeps the wax in the cloth. The process is way harder then wax. When wax melts it goes like a candle when it melts. Here is some instructions of turning process into wax ,you boil water in a pan and then put a bowl on top (which is double boiling) and when it starts to boil you place the process in and it will melt and turn into wax which is a lighter shade of yellow. Worker bees actually vomit into each hexagon for the plastic lid over the honey because they eat the nectar then vomit it up and keep doing it till every hexagon is filled (so were actually eating vomit which tastes very good). If you want a beehive you have to get the council to say that it is okay and if you want to sell it you need to have a health inspector. Also fun fact buying a beehive is probably cheaper than buying Manuka Honey.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Maths Workbook
Numeracy: This week for our Work Book we are still doing Short division with remainders we have been practicing Short division on Maths Buddy for our set tasks. We were given a few questions to answer on a slide here is mine
Monday, 14 May 2018
Week 2 Work Book Numeracy
Work book: This Week for Numeracy we are doing our Work book for my group we are working on short division we had been set questions and we had to answer them. The Questions had remainders in them that we also had to work out how many remainders there are.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Descriptive Writing
This week and Last week for writing we haven been describing an image and then writing about it we had to use descriptive and words and adjectives and similes. We also were using words to start of our sentences like I can See, I feel , I taste , I smell and Hear. Here is my finished writing and the image we were describing.
Descriptive Writing
I feel like I am stuck in an image and I am the only thing moving. The trees are still and there is no wind or breeze flowing through the air and the ray of the sun is stuck on one piece of grass melting the frost slowly and strongly. I see the sun peeking through the small gaps in the trees melting the ice and burning my eyes with its bright shiny heat. I smell dead soggy Winter leaves that had just fallen off the trees in autumn on the ground getting sizzled by the sun. I Taste the cold frost on one side of my mouth and the heat on the other side mixing together and then I swallow it , It wipes the goosebumps off me. I hear the sound of the frost crunching under my shoe making the sound like if you step on a cracker.
Just another beautiful sunrise to start the day.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Numeracy Workbook
Workbook: This week my group had to complete a work book around algebra for I thought it was not challenging enough and I got it finished quickly.
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